One little paperwork and the pixies are in - jumping around the garden of your mind, messing up the lawn.
We have taken some small, tentative steps towards becoming a legitimate business. I have submitted the license application to Warwick District Council to register the dear Jabberwocky as a real life food business. Hopefully the WDC will give the project its blessing and we can proceed, although I have a strange feeling I am missing something. The application form needed all the company details and the name of the Beast, as well as addresses and the like. That was all. No questions about the food, no questions about the glorious web presence, nothing.
But then, right at the end, there was an option to add additional materials “to support your application”. Perhaps a short story or a poem. I did not provide said materials, but decided to take my chances and submit. The evil yellow worry-pixie seized the decision instantly; now I regret it. I could have done more! I should have included data, and studies and possibly a business plan. I could have included press releases and a song and a short story about bureaucracy.
Which leads me into needing a business plan. Back in the day, when we were trying to open a restaurant with no money or, for that matter, restaurant, I wrote a business plan. They are the documents of dreams, combining wonderful ideas with big numbers you anticipate will be true (at some point). Since the van rumbled into our life I have not thought of it, mostly because a business plan is largely something you give to a bank in exchange for a nice big Money. Now, with the license application confirmation grinning back at me from my inbox, it suddenly seems like a really good idea to be getting that up to date.
Nothing has gone wrong yet, so we will abstain from panic. If the application is turned down, I will apply again, brandishing my additional materials. I know we will get there in the end, it’s just a case of silencing the pixie until we do.
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