The Tell-tale Signs of Cheese Addiction
Using Cheese Safely
Being as cheese is delicious and lovely, it makes sense to learn how to handle this substance to make sure you are getting a quality product and using it correctly. Recently the market has been flooded with inferior product that can lead to a disappointing cheese experience.
Don’t share cheese knives. It sounds obvious, but when confronted with a great board of cheese it’s easy to get carried away and use the first knife available. Think! Was someone else about to use it to butter a cracker? Can you be sure that it will still be there when you need another hit in a few minutes? These simple questions can save you an extra trip to the kitchen. Remember: Keep it on your plate for round two.
Keep crackers handy.You never know when you will need a fix, so crackers can be a lifeline in difficult social situations where you feel awkward eating cheese directly out of the fridge. Resting it on a water biscuit or oatcake can make all the difference, but remember to stay hydrated, and ask a friend to check on you if you are alone in the kitchen to make sure you are at least closing the fridge door occasionally.
Never be tempted by a Quick Fix Individually wrapped squares, aerosols and squeezy tubes may look like a convenient and simple way to eat cheese, but don’t be fooled. If you are offered any of these items say a polite but firm “no” and then hold your breath and refuse any further attempts at conversation until someone relents and goes off to find actual cheese.
Coping strategies

Living with Cheese Addiction doesn’t have to be hard, as there are many soft and even spreadable alternatives. Find a strategy that works for you and stick with it, remembering to melt thoroughly and always believing that there is a better cheese out there. You will find it one day.
There is only one meal I have experienced that would not have been improved by adding melted cheese – a four cheese calzone I had while a little “under the influence” in Amsterdam. It had a good pound of cheese in it and I manfully pushed through three quarters of it before I threw in the towel. Every other meal, though, definitely. Same goes for bacon.