by Flic Luxmoore | Sunday, January 25, 2015 | Recipes, Toasties
Technically anything containing egg falls into the breakfast toastie remit. In that sense, following directly on from yesterday’s Scotch Egg Toastie with the Full Monty is a bit samey. But that’s in title only. This one has been a long time in the making,...
by Flic Luxmoore | Saturday, January 24, 2015 | Recipes, Signature Toasties
Yesterday we had a bit of a revelation on the filthy snack food front. What should have been an inappropriate mess of scotch egg toastie turned out to be really quite interesting. Sufficiently interesting that we decided to have another go at it today, rather than...
by Flic Luxmoore | Friday, January 23, 2015 | Recipes, Toasties
As you may have noticed we are currently eating a fair amount of toasties. This should normally fill the average person’s daily requirement of filthy snack food. It doesn’t seem to work like that. As a result of this we still have sausage rolls and scotch...
by Flic Luxmoore | Thursday, January 22, 2015 | Jabberwocky Toasties, Recipes
Once upon a time, way back in the time before toasties, we used to sell a scallop gratin. It was only one for one event, and was surprisingly popular. We then discovered toasties, and the scallop dish faded into the past. Now, having realised that that lovely dish was...
by Flic Luxmoore | Tuesday, January 20, 2015 | Recipes, Toasties
We have been planning to have a curry toastie almost from the start, as Barny’s curry really is very good. Somehow though, it never quite tasted right. We had had a few tries, but in every case it feels like toasting didn’t add anything. A regular curry would...