Living with Cheese Addiction

Living with Cheese Addiction

Knowing you have a problem is the first step towards living with cheese addiction. If you have come this far then you probably already suspect that you are a cheese addict, or you are seeking help for a close friend of relative. Raising awareness of Cheese Addiction...

Street Food Happens Anywhere but the Street

Last week’s post and a thought-provoking comment by a fellow caterer made me realise that when street food happens on the street it’s a rarity rather than a regularity. By any linguistic definition of the word, we shouldn’t be called street food...

Tasting The Competition

For a long time we have been the only people we know selling toasties. I know there are others out there; we occasionally bump into them on our voyages to London to check out the resident street food scene, but due to the way most events are booked we rarely actually...