How to tell If you’re a Street Food Addict

Now, I know this is hard, but in light of recent events I think I need to come out and say it. Hi, my name is Flic, and I’m a street food addict. It feels good to get it out in the open. How do I know I’m a street food addict? There are symptoms. If you...

The Beast is Back

It’s been a very long time coming, but finally the van is fixed. I’m pretty sure that the word “fixed” cannot be used definitively here, but at any rate the Beast is once again a functioning, if slow, member of the active road community, rather...

Street Food Difficulty Level: Pro

The reason it’s all been quiet on the blog front over the last few weeks is because negativity doesn’t sell. Not that I’m really selling anything other than street food, but no one wants to read, week after week, the disheartening accounts of how the...

Street Food TV Shows I Wish They Would Make

The van is still out of action. The guy who was going to send us an engine doesn’t have one; the people who do have engines are invariably hundreds of miles away, or they are offering a deal that sounds too good to be true. Unlike a good street food TV show,...