by Flic Luxmoore | Wednesday, February 6, 2013 | Street Food
There are more important things than having a 100% mobile van. The Beast still doesn’t technically work, but he is now booked in with a specialist who is confident he can perform the required procedure. The surgery needed is a new engine. Doggedly clinging to...
by Flic Luxmoore | Wednesday, January 30, 2013 | Food Van Driving
There are times when gazebos look terribly tempting and versatile. You have probably never looked at a gazebo in envy. I have moments of sincere, heartfelt hatred for gazebos, and while this is not quite one of them yet, I feel like we might be working up to it....
by Flic Luxmoore | Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | Virtual
As observed from inside the hatch. We have all probably got one of those friends on Facebook who has Instagram, the accepted way to take pictures of all types food. In certain parts of society it is now the only permissible way to communicate lunch choices. It is...
by Flic Luxmoore | Thursday, January 17, 2013 | Food Van Driving
The Beast is causing trouble at the moment. Having managed an entire season with no major disasters he has proven his worth, and is now seeing how far he can push his luck. I will add that much of this is not his fault, but in the interests of fairness it is only...
by Flic Luxmoore | Wednesday, January 9, 2013 | Food Van Driving
I’m currently working on a page about starting a street food business, with useful advice on the 10 dos and 143 don’ts of taking up the tongs and trying to make a living out of other people’s change. This last week has been all about the van, and...