The Weather

I know it's a stupidly British thing to talk about, but pull up a cuppa, queue yourself a crumpet and lets have a communal moan about not complaining about the weather. Obviously in our line of work, what with most of that line being exposed the the elements, the...

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The Return Of The Toastie

It's important that you read toastie in the title to rhyme with Jedi. Even if it makes you sound a little like an Essex native. That way I can justify any inadvertent Star Wars references later. He's back! After 6 weeks we finally have the Beast back on our drive, and...

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Brum Yum Yum Launch

The embargo is lifted, I'm finally allowed to tell you about the other street food collective. First rumoured sometime last year, last Saturday was the official launch of Brum Yum Yum. BYY will be held for the first time on 13 April, 12-6pm in Kings Heath, outside the...

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The Venison Toasted Sandwich

The Venison Toasted Sandwich

Selling out might be a right pain for the consumer, but for us it is a triumph. Especially when the toastie that sells out is the most expensive one on the board, and especially when people see it, stare at it, and then come tell you they simply couldn't resist it....

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Review of Birmingham Street Food Customers

This is a complicated post to write. On the one hand, I have embarked on this idea that I can review customers. On the other, I want to one day be able to make a living out of street food. Possibly not a great idea, but perhaps the two are beautifully compatible and...

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The Digbeth Dining Comeback

This Friday we will be heading back to Digbeth Dining Club, first of the New Year, finest street food in Birmingham and all round happy place. But. Last week I was hopeful, and panic-buying teapots more to calm the nerves than because I actually believed the Beast...

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Worst Case Scenario

Last weekend we had more sunshine than for most of the previous summer, and took the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities. Initially this involved painting the fence, which is determined to turn green, but then we remembered one job that has been lurking in our...

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Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse In A Food Van

As a naturally positive and realistic person I have come to the conclusion that with the van we would be well placed, should the need arise, to survive at least the first wave of a zombie apocalypse. It's important to consider, because otherwise what if it comes up on...

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Toastie Tasting Two

There are more important things than having a 100% mobile van. The Beast still doesn't technically work, but he is now booked in with a specialist who is confident he can perform the required procedure. The surgery needed is a new engine. Doggedly clinging to...

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Taking Pictures Of Street Food

As observed from inside the hatch. We have all probably got one of those friends on Facebook who has Instagram, the accepted way to take pictures of all types food. In certain parts of society it is now the only permissible way to communicate lunch choices. It is...

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