The Dos and Don’ts

The Dos and Don’ts

I'm currently working on a page about starting a street food business, with useful advice on the 10 dos and 143 don'ts of taking up the tongs and trying to make a living out of other people's change. This last week has been all about the van, and about the sad demise...

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Getting the Price Right

The Great British Toastie has seen us well through 2012, but this year, the third year of the Jabberwocky, we are considering refining our offering. There are a few reasons for this, all currently in a jumbled mess inside my head, so with the aid of tea, your good...

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Support Vehicles

This Christmas was a Northern Christmas, celebrated in the wilds of Teesside with Barny's family. We're now back in the Midlands with enough leftovers to sink an average family car in fair weather; after apparently choosing the same exact time as everyone else in...

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Street Food Redux

I have been watching too many uninspiring 80s sci-fi remakes lately, or perhaps I have been drinking too much tea. Either way, it is time for a think about what we are actually trying to achieve in Leamington Spa, on the subject of street food. In the run up to...

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The Repetitive Process

Some weeks I have lots to write about, and the blog post is written in a moment. Those ones require the most editing, because in my joyful outpouring of whatever junk was cluttering the archives of my mind there is usually a fair bit of drivel. Other weeks it feels...

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Coping With The Off-Season

This year was probably not what Frank had in mind, but this song has been floating around my head since I started thinking about this post, and a lot of it seems apt, at the very least. Our last event of 2012 approaches, and our last event serving food is already...

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Christmas Toasties

Christmas Toasties

We have spent the last two weeks testing Christmas toasties, attaching clips to the van and buying rope lights. When Christmas comes we intend to be ready for it. If there is any funny business I'll be making a playlist as well, and it will have the Pogues. It won't...

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The Time To Run A Business

Back when the Beast had only just hatched, in the days when the Wocky was young and first peered out into the big wide world, we wondered idly if we would have enough time to get everything done. I used to work a 9-5 rat-race type job at a big company. Each day I...

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Buying a Generator

It's October the 31st, and I have had to spend an entire day being jolly about Halloween. I'm done now. Maybe it would have lasted a bit longer if there had been kids at the door dressed up demanding chocolate, but there weren't. Possibly due to the rain, possibly due...

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Toastie Music

Last week, probably during a period where I should have had more sleep, I took to wondering what kind of music would make people want toasties. Narrative then very kindly obliged, in a manner that seems almost a little contrived, and provided me with an answer. We...

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