Green Credentials
When we first brought the van into our lives we spent many happy hours sifting through the remains of the business that had gone before us and rearranging our house to accommodate all of our new possessions. Mostly, our new possessions were cups. These cups were...
The Struggles of the Moderately Wealthy
Friday 26/08/2011 19:50 I am travelling down to Plymouth for Barny’s brother’s wedding. Due to some scheduling inconsistencies that could not possibly be blamed on me, I was catching the train on my own rather than driving down with Barny, and due to a rather...
In the Business of Cards
The internet, with all its magical ability to make something out of nothing, can sometimes be rather limited in its lack of physicality. It's getting there, what with bar code scanners and wifi on your phone, but it still doesn't quite replace a little bit of paper...
As previously hailed this post is all about the tasting. We shall see where the winding progress of the narrative takes us, because it is notoriously fickle, but I will try and keep it on the subject of food. Our intentions were to serve all of our menu from the...
Part Deux
Friends, Romans, countrymen. Doctors, IT consultants and gardeners. Ornithologists, philatelists and train-spotters. Miscreants, vagabonds and people called Rupert, it is time. I only wish we could have done more. Let me begin, therefore, with an apology for not...
Bottle Green
In the world of fabric things are done differently to the solid, mechanical world of automotive paint. I will say this in their favour though, they are not nearly as flowery and new-age as wall paint. The Beast, long may it thunder, is bedecked in deep Brunswick...
Being on the Radio, Darling
This, of course, makes one famous and requires that one is referred to as "your highness" or "yes, shut up about it now". In short, one is now far too famous for the frivolous activities of the mortal world and will endeavour to reach a higher plane of existence by,...
Foraging for Jam
On Monday, largely because the weather did not appear to be getting any better, we decided to make the most of grey skies over Leamington and go foraging. Within the foraging community there is an unwritten code of secrecy regarding foraging spots; what with the web...
Cooking on Gas in Street Food
There are several, perhaps even many problems with cooking on gas. For a start, it tends to catch fire. This is, of course, the idea behind using it in the first place, but it does make people rather wary of the stuff. Not only does it gleefully ignite, it can also...
Leamington Spa Food Festival 2011
Oh frabjous day, what a Wednesday to be alive! As you may have guessed from the title, we have our first confirmed event, and as befits a Beast of Leamington it is the food festival right here in town. The festival itself is on the 10th and 11th of September, so no...
Chicken Something or Other
We have been missing a key ingredient in the Jabberwocky project thus far. I have been keeping you informed on the life and times of the Beast and the many guises in which van-based love can be expressed, but despite all my culinary rambling there has been precious...
Being Excited about Stickers
The last time I remember being this excited about stickers was when my friend and I swore to collect every single one in the generic-horse-riding-stickers-specifically-targeted-at-11-year-old's-pocket-money collection. It is my firm belief to this day that sticker...