Finishing the Festival Season
Last weekend was Leamington Food Festival, which marks the forth year of the Jabberwocky's existence and also concludes our summer of rumbling around festivals with cheese, bread and assorted fillings. The festival season will continue until mid to late September, but...
Living with Cheese Addiction
Knowing you have a problem is the first step towards living with cheese addiction. If you have come this far then you probably already suspect that you are a cheese addict, or you are seeking help for a close friend of relative. Raising awareness of Cheese...
Knowing When to Stop Serving
Gather round, pull up a chair and draw close to the fire, let me tell you the tale of when we stopped serving early and lived to regret it so that you, too know when to stop serving. Once upon a time we stopped serving early, you see, and later on we regretted it....
Street Food Happens Anywhere but the Street
Last week's post and a thought-provoking comment by a fellow caterer made me realise that when street food happens on the street it's a rarity rather than a regularity. By any linguistic definition of the word, we shouldn't be called street food vendors, and neither...
Tasting The Competition
For a long time we have been the only people we know selling toasties. I know there are others out there; we occasionally bump into them on our voyages to London to check out the resident street food scene, but due to the way most events are booked we rarely actually...
How Long do Festival Preparations Take?
This week we are gearing up for our largest festival of the year, Global Gathering. This is a repeat event for us, as last year we did well and discovered that while dance festival visitors eat at rather odd times, they do actually still eat. This is contrary to the...
The Law of Festival Returns
This year, now our 3rd whole year of trading, we will be returning to more festivals than those which we will be trying for the first time. This is a natural evolution of the street food calendar, as you root out the rubbish events and ditch them for ones that are...
How to tell If you’re a Street Food Addict
Now, I know this is hard, but in light of recent events I think I need to come out and say it. Hi, my name is Flic, and I'm a street food addict. It feels good to get it out in the open. How do I know I'm a street food addict? There are symptoms. If you are suffering...
The Beast is Back
It's been a very long time coming, but finally the van is fixed. I'm pretty sure that the word "fixed" cannot be used definitively here, but at any rate the Beast is once again a functioning, if slow, member of the active road community, rather than just an oversized...
Street Food Difficulty Level: Pro
The reason it's all been quiet on the blog front over the last few weeks is because negativity doesn't sell. Not that I'm really selling anything other than street food, but no one wants to read, week after week, the disheartening accounts of how the van is still...
Street Food TV Shows I Wish They Would Make
The van is still out of action. The guy who was going to send us an engine doesn't have one; the people who do have engines are invariably hundreds of miles away, or they are offering a deal that sounds too good to be true. Unlike a good street food TV show,...
British Street Food Awards – Birmingham Heat
This Friday is the first ever regional heat for the British Street Food Awards. In the past 6 years the awards have been fairly London-centric from the rest of the country's point of view, but this year they are taking to the road. First stop on that journey, to ease...