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The Cook Book
Toastie Construction Manual
You may have a neglected toastie press at home. Full of promise, hope and nasty bits of ancient crusted on cheese.
Time to scrub down the Breville and bring forth our cook book masterpiece: The Toastie Construction Manual. Unlike every recipe on the internet ever it gets to the point, and brings you recipe after recipe for excellent toasties.
Each mouthwatering melt has been sold by us to the great british public and has passed the Jabberwocky Induction Test: at some point, a customer has come back and ordered a second one at the same event.
Written by Barny, our multi-award winning chef and self-proclaimed King of Toasties, this is a recipe book for everyone. Each toastie is illustrated with an exploded diagram for correct assembly and explained in no-nonsense facts and figures – no cooking experience needed.
Bring the perfect melt, the golden crust and the excellent flavours into your life, and make that toastie press sing.
“A great gift for anyone who loves toasted sandwiches or wants some new ideas to get some more use out of a neglected toastie maker!“
Mr S Cleal – Amazon review
The Business Book
Street Food Soliloquy
Ever seen queues of people a mile long, waiting patiently to hand over their hard-earned cash for a quick bite? Ever thought that you should be there, gathering the money and handing over your amazing culinary creation?
There is literally no time like the present, so take the first step towards street food dreams and buy the book that has started some of the greatest food stories ever told.
Step by step we walk you through the journey from big idea to first time trading, with real world exmples, first hand accounts and the little nuggets of information that everyone else has to learn the hard way. Read a festival site, understand an organiser and master your stock: this is how you win at street food.
No experience needed, just this book and a boat-load of hard work.
Felicity is half of the multi-award winning Jabberwocky Street Food. She can be found all over the midlands serving toasties, frenching toast and slinging sausage.
“I’m wanting – scrap that….I’m going to start my own street food business”
Paul C. – Street Food Entrepreneur
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