As far as the Jabberwocky is concerned, this is our first Christmas. It has been a busy year, full of all sorts of excitement, and on the whole I would probably rate it a very respectable 9 out of 10, which is a very credible score considering all the niggly little failures that have kept cropping up. And the not having a dog.

So, as the Beast rusts gently on the driveway and I wallow on the sofa in a duvet of self pity (and also a duvet) with female-man-flu I thought it was time to do a look back in the year and mention the best bits, perhaps reminisce on the successes and so forth. Unfortunately a gross of angry slugs have assembled in my sinuses to protest against global economic crisis, rendering me apathetic at best, and I’m really just looking forward to bed.

This is how you are ill. With Tissues and stuff

With that in mind I’m running the risk of this becoming a dangerously ranty post about how much I dislike being ill, and how the “occupy my nose” movement is really stopping me from enjoying the endless stream of Christmas tunes that have otherwise been floating, uninterrupted, around my head for days. Currently that new Cold Play one. I think I’m being sarcastic about liking the songs, but that might be the cold. Considering the post so far it is probably fair to say that December has not been my most productive of months, what with the day job becoming an all day job and the slugs becoming disillusioned about being the 99%.

There have been some small sucesses though, which have become quickly buried under mounds of snot (anyone else get a really horrible mental image off that one?) and been almost forgotten. Earlier in the month I sought out help over a niggly question that was bothering me some time ago, namely the question of whether people would actually mind having strangers in their house, doing the catering. The answers were wonderfully optimistic and included a couple of excellent ideas about taking the home catering out into holiday homes and onto dating agencies.

I also acquired £60 of Facebook advertising credit and set about spreading the logo across the internet a little more. It hasn’t resulted in bookings yet, but I did get an additional “like”, and considering it was free, I’d say it was just about worth it.

Once the jobs have all calmed down again we need to start really working on getting ourselves out into the wider world of private catering, and back into the endless stream of applications for food festivals. We still only have two confirmed bookings for 2012, and I still don’t have a dog, and the slugs appear to be settling in until the spring, or until some sort of injunction by the City of London, but I think things could be worse.

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