Due to an interruption in our current schedule there will be a brief attempt at search engine optimisation, followed by tea. This may result in some delays, but The Jabberwocky would like to reassure customers that to all intents and purposes the tea will continue to flow, and just as soon as we have established what normal should look like we will attempt to recreate it here.
In the mean time I would invite you to consider how fast the Beast can actually go. It has been whispered that if ever the Beast exceeds 55 miles per hour Time itself will become confused, resulting in the end of existence as we know it and, quite possibly, longer waiting times. However just as the last shreds of winter were packing up and with no especially clear plan in mind we decided to take the van for a drive.
The general feeling for us was that the dear Beasty had not had much exercise over the winter, and we should probably rattle some of the rust out of the engine and belch another cloud of healthy blue-grey smoke over our and the neighbour’s driveway. So we attached Gogo, Barny’s MR2, who only occasionally doesn’t start, to the battery and began revving. Barny jumped behind the wheel, and the Beast started almost entirely first time.
The cloud of smoke would have to be seen to be believed, alas I was revving Gogo and Barny was in the Beast, so you will have to take my word for it, but it was like the end of the world had been localised around our house. And the neighbours house. We have very patient neighbours.
Normally if we are heading out in the Beast we make a point of tweeting about it, based around the vague hope that someone will see the van, note the twitter feed on their smart phone and tweet us a “hi”, but today I was driving Gogo, and feeling far too fast to be worried about twitter. Of course directly behind the van one is fairly limited on opportunities to do anything more than potter or meander, but I felt that there was an opportunity to cruise, and I seized it.
My unnecessary driving style aside the Wocky expedition was a success, as no one broke down. Luckily the year is still young and the MOT looms on the horizon, so I’m confident normal service will be resumed shortly.
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