The Hidden Cost of Catering

We always knew that the Jabberwocky would be a learning curve. Totally new and unexpected situations that do CV-boosting activities like throwing you “out of your comfort zone” or “in at the deep end” as well as requiring you to “think on...

Advertising is Fun

The internet has made a commodity out of us all, with the that wonderfully hateful word “advertising” lurking around every corner, skittering into every picture, resource or spare square inch and screaming for your attention. The internet is nothing more...


Is that not a glorious word? It doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well as some of my other favourite words (deciduous, misanthropy) but it’s evocative and naughty and I like it. There has also been a large quantity of it in the last few days. Some...

Is Webfiling difficult?

No. Webfiling, for the uninitiated, is something you have to do after each year of company ownership. Companies House, the disconcertingly aptly named government institution behind limited companies, requires that once a year you tell them where your company is, who...